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Document Service API: Filters

The Document Service API offers the ability to filter results.

The following operators are available:

$eqiEqual (case-insensitive)
$neNot equal
$neiNot equal (case-insensitive)
$ltLess than
$lteLess than or equal to
$gtGreater than
$gteGreater than or equal to
$inIncluded in an array
$notInNot included in an array
$notContainsDoes not contain
$containsiContains (case-insensitive)
$notContainsiDoes not contain (case-insensitive)
$nullIs null
$notNullIs not null
$betweenIs between
$startsWithStarts with
$startsWithiStarts with (case-insensitive)
$endsWithEnds with
$endsWithiEnds with (case-insensitive)
$orJoins the filters in an "or" expression
$andJoins the filters in an "and" expression
$notJoins the filters in an "not" expression

Attribute operators​


Negates the nested condition(s).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$not: {
$contains: 'Hello World',


Attribute equals input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$eq: 'Hello World',

$eq can be omitted:

const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: 'Hello World',


Attribute equals input value (case-insensitive).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$eqi: 'HELLO World',


Attribute does not equal input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$ne: 'ABCD',


Attribute does not equal input value (case-insensitive).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$nei: 'abcd',


Attribute is contained in the input list.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$in: ['Hello', 'Hola', 'Bonjour'],

$in can be omitted when passing an array of values:

const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: ['Hello', 'Hola', 'Bonjour'],


Attribute is not contained in the input list.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$notIn: ['Hello', 'Hola', 'Bonjour'],


Attribute is less than the input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
rating: {
$lt: 10,


Attribute is less than or equal to the input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
rating: {
$lte: 10,


Attribute is greater than the input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
rating: {
$gt: 5,


Attribute is greater than or equal to the input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
rating: {
$gte: 5,


Attribute is between the 2 input values, boundaries included (e.g., $between[1, 3] will also return 1 and 3).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
rating: {
$between: [1, 20],


Attribute contains the input value (case-sensitive).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$contains: 'Hello',


Attribute does not contain the input value (case-sensitive).


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$notContains: 'Hello',


Attribute contains the input value. $containsi is not case-sensitive, while $contains is.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$containsi: 'hello',


Attribute does not contain the input value. $notContainsi is not case-sensitive, while $notContains is.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$notContainsi: 'hello',


Attribute starts with input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$startsWith: 'ABCD',


Attribute ends with input value.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$endsWith: 'ABCD',


Attribute is null.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$null: true,


Attribute is not null.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: {
$notNull: true,

Logical operators​


All nested conditions must be true.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
$and: [
title: 'Hello World',
createdAt: { $gt: '2021-11-17T14:28:25.843Z' },

$and will be used implicitly when passing an object with nested conditions:

const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
title: 'Hello World',
createdAt: { $gt: '2021-11-17T14:28:25.843Z' },


One or many nested conditions must be true.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
$or: [
title: 'Hello World',
createdAt: { $gt: '2021-11-17T14:28:25.843Z' },


Negates the nested conditions.


const entries = await strapi.documents('api::article.article').findMany({
filters: {
$not: {
title: 'Hello World',
✏️ Note

$not can be used as:

  • a logical operator (e.g. in filters: { $not: { // conditions… }})
  • an attribute operator (e.g. in filters: { attribute-name: $not: { … } }).
πŸ’‘ Tip

$and, $or and $not operators are nestable inside of another $and, $or or $not operator.